Welcome To GHP League!
In sync with our mission to build community by bringing people and places together to play pickleball, GHP League connects teams from across Houston to compete with and against each other with a goal to create geographical regions that represent the many pickleball communities across greater Houston.
Your membership and support of GHP includes your entry fee for league play.
There are two seasons, SPRING (March-May) and FALL (September-November), each 8-10 weeks offering different formats and skill divisions.
For detailed league information, rules, and dates visit this link:
GHP League Details
Team Requirements
- Form a team and create a roster
- Have access to reserve courts to host “home” matches
- Be willing to travel within greater Houston area for “away” matches
- Have a current GHP membership
- Membership must be current for the complete season. If not, you will be asked to renew early.
Direct your questions to GHPLeagueCoor@gmail.com.

How To Sign Up For League